Whether you’re a dedicated collector
or dabbling hobbyist,
we invite you to visit a local club
Meet-ups vary by group, as do topics & studies.
Why not be in the room where the button fun happens!
(See list of clubs below,
with map of general areas served by each.)
A) Button Buds:
- Contact: Melody Urban
- Place and time varies/announced each month
- Serving Northeast WI
B*) Fox Valley Button Club:
- Contact: Laurie Hanson
- Place: Winneconne Public Library/Municipal Building
*online access available - Time: 10:00 – Noon, last Monday of the month, except holidays
C) Madison Button Club:
- Contact: Lisa Schulz
- Place: 1501 Gilbert Rd, Madison
- Time: 9:00 AM, last Saturday
of the month, except Nov & Dec
D) Plymouth Button Box Club:
- Contact: Louise Mann
- Place: Plymouth Public Library, Plymouth
- Time: 10:00 AM, 2nd Saturday of the month
E) Racine-Kenosha:
- Contact: Charlotte Ann Button
- Place: Rotates each month; in Racine, Kenosha, Burlington area
- Time: Varies by host; The 3rd Saturday of each month
F) Woodman Center:
- Contact: Lorna Maxwell
- Place: Rotates each month; in the Richland Center area
- Time: Varies by host; The 15th of each month
Note: While Clubs often encourage bringing buttons to meetings to get “how old is this one?” or “how do I clean these?” type questions answered, or to solve ‘what kind of material is this again?’ mysteries, they do not provide appraisal services.
Having said that, club members may be open to making offers for a particular button
(or entire collection) should someone have something to sell.
Also, clubs will often arrange for button dealer “approvals” (requested ‘lots’ of buttons for sale)
for those looking to do some shopping.
The map shows the approximate area where local WI button clubs (or contacts) exist.
WSBS members may travel to participate in more than one club’s activities.
Place and time of meetings may vary, so it’s best to contact the person listed to confirm details.
If you don’t see a club near you, contact us at Info@wsbs.org to learn how to connect with other members in your area or to start a meet-up of your own. (Note, you must be a WSBS Member to access our Member Only resources, such as member rosters. JOIN HERE.)
Note, the Fox Valley Button Club offers online access for their meetings – to find out more, contact the FVBC.